This is a story about a girl..

This is the story about a girl, she don’t know were she belongs,
She don’t know what she did wrong. Because all she ever did was being who she really is…
She sad that if she could fly, she would never come back down. Because all they ever did, was laughing at who she is…
And when the audience are gone she stand there dancing for herself, she is scared for letting anyone see because all they would do were closing their eyes, whiteout giving her a chance.. And laughing at who she is…
Bud this is the story about a girl that never gives up… she will keep on telling her self that’s she is beautiful and everybody will keep on laughing but she knows…
That all good stories, end whit an “Happily ever after”

Till min bästa vän Jojo. Tänkte på hur du mår för ett tag sedan och på all skit du gått igenom… denna dikt är till viss del om dig, för jag vet att du bara blivit starkare av allt som hänt dig!
Kram/Tofflan (Den är inte klar och jag vet att den är skriven i blandad tempus men det lät konstigt annars!)

orkar inte kolla stavfelen... :P puss!

Ibland så vill jag bara tacka gud för hur underbara kompisa jag har! Helt underbara är de verkligen! Denna dikt skrev Michelle/Tofflan till mig!
TACK M<3! :)


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